How To Prevent Costly Termite Damage

If you think you may have a termite infestation or just want to take preventative measures to make sure it never happens, give us a call.

If you think you may have a termite infestation or just want to take preventative measures to make sure it never happens, give us a call.

Everyone hates termites. It’s not because you see them on your counter, carrying away last night’s bread crumbs, and it’s not because you can hear them scurrying around in your attic. The main reason we hate termites is because of the money it takes to fix the everlasting damage caused by them. The thing with termites is that while they might seem small and harmless, they can be some of the most damaging pests in the whole state of Florida. That’s because they like to live on a diet of old wood.

Termites can be found anywhere at any time of the year - usually identified by tiny holes in dry wood (though there are a few other tell-tale signs), they are relatively small insects on their own. Colonies, however, can range from 60,000 individuals, up to ONE MILLION. And no, that’s not a typo.

When a subterranean (meaning under the earth’s surface) termite colony invades your home, they will seek out any wood that they can begin to devour. The issue is that wood is absolutely integral to many house structures, so a small amount of internal damage can have MASSIVE repercussions. A termite will eat your house from the inside out. It might sound dramatic, but it’s true - in some cases, extensive termite damage can actually cause your house to collapse.

Don’t worry - here’s an essential guide on how you can identify termites, and the steps you can take to remove them. For more information on how to identify pests in your home, visit our ​page​.

Identifying Termites

The first step to resolving a termite infestation is identifying whether there are termites present. Luckily, there are a few giveaways that can make it easy to identify this invasive species:

Holes In The Wood

One of the first signs of a termite infestation is the formation of tunnels in your woodwork. They’ll likely not be very big, usually no larger than a pin-prick, but they might be clustered. If left untreated, these will grow into large cavities that threaten the structure of your home.

Wood will also feel and sound hollow if it’s been eaten by a termite. Knock on the wood (hoping you don’t have termites), and if it sounds big or hollow on the inside, call an exterminator immediately.

Flying Bugs

There are two types of termite: swarming and workers. The workers are the ones that munch away on your livelihood, whilst the swarmers do just that: swarm.

Flying termites will be everywhere if there is a large colony in your home, as they’re the reproductive unit of the destructive species. They look very similar to flying ants - if you aren’t sure, see if you can identify hollow or damaged woodwork.

Clear Ants

Termites share many similarities with the common ant - there’s just one distinct difference; termites are white, or on occasion, clear.

If you begin to notice white ants in your home, then you’ve got termites. Give us a call at (772) 562-6450 and we can book your free consultation today.

The Cost of Damage

The cost of a termite infestation will vary based on a multitude of different factors:

  • Is your home or made primarily of wood?

  • Is the damage purely cosmetic?

  • Has it affected the structural integrity of your home?

  • How large is the colony?

As termites literally never stop eating, you might not even notice the infestation until it’s too late. It’s estimated that the average cost of termite damage in the US is around $3,000 - that’s just to repair essential structural damage. If you need to address cosmetic issues, you may need to pay upwards of an additional $2,000 - it’s not a cheap fix.

Termites in your home is a scary thought. You’ve probably saved for years to get the house of your dreams, so keeping it termite free will obviously be a priority. If you do need to call in an exterminator or arrange for repairs to be made, you may need to find an alternative place to stay for a week or two while the work is being completed.

Termites can be just as damaging in a business setting as they can be in the home - perhaps even more so. Termite damage can bring your business to a halt, which might result in a lack of income while the damage is being fixed. When you consider the cost of extermination, cosmetic and structural fixes, as well as a loss of income, you can begin to see just how devastating termite damage can be.

Removing Termites

If you’ve identified a termite infestation, the next step is to remove them before they can cause any lasting damage. Clements Pest Control offers a unique, tailored service in order to effectively remove any infestation from your property, without causing any further damage.

As an environmentally conscious company, we care about our impact on the environment. We use organic, natural pesticides and limit the amount of chemicals we use, avoiding permanent damage to the environment whilst trying not to interrupt your day to day life.

If you think you may have a termite infestation or just want to take preventative measures to make sure it never happens, give us a call today at (772) 562-6450.