How to get rid of mosquitos?

Clements offers a wide range of mosquito prevention services - from event sprays to automated misting systems that will keep your yard mosquito free year round, we’ve got options for everyone’s needs. Learn more about our services listed below.


Misting systems

Clements is an authorized dealer of the industry's leading mosquito misting systems. We install, maintain, and warranty residential and commercial systems.

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Event sprays

Planning a special outdoor event? Clements will arrive 24-48 hours prior to your event and conduct barrier spray.

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Biology & Lifecycle

Water provides mosquitoes with a place to lay eggs, grow and develop through their water stages (egg, larval and pupal). After the airborne portion of their life cycle, females return to water to lay a new batch of fertile eggs. Female mosquitoes usually lay their eggs on the surface of water or in areas where water can rise, flood the eggs, and stimulate them to hatch.

Even as adult mosquitoes leave the pupal stage and become adults, water still plays a role because adult mosquitoes exit the pupal stage on the water’s surface and “dry out” before taking flight.



The fertilization of the female by the male normally occurs within a few days after the female has left the water source and is searching for her first blood meal. While mosquito breeding may occur near a water source, mosquito breeding is one of the few activities that is not involved directly with a water source.

Water is also a food source while mosquitoes are in their aquatic stages. Mosquitoes feed on the many kinds of particulate matter that occur in water. While water is the source of mosquito food, it also creates the possibility that aquatic-stage mosquitoes may become food for other animals, such as fish.

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