Introduction to flies

Flies are not only nuisance pests, but they one of the most dangerous insect groups because they can transmit disease. For instance, the common house fly,  has  been  found  to harbor over 100 different pathogenic organisms.

Flies feed on a variety of food materials but most of those of structural importance develop in either fermenting or decaying organic matter, although a few are parasitic on other animals. Also, flies may invade the walls and attics of structures in large numbers if left untreated.

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Flies have complete metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This means that the adults are very different in appearance and habits from the immature stages.

Adult females lay their eggs either on or in the larval food material, or very near it. Larval development usually takes place within the food material. If the food material is liquid, the last instar larvae typically crawl to a dryer area for pupation. Developmental time (egg to adult) requires as few as 6 to as many as 45 days, or longer under adverse  conditions.

Adults are often found on flowers where they feed on nectar. Some adults are attracted to incandescent and/or ultraviolet (black) light and some are not. Some have their greatest activity period during the daytime while others are most active at sunset and sunrise, or in the evening. See the individual treatments for details.

Clements approach to control

  1. Identification: This is the key to understanding which species is infesting the structure.

  2. Sanitation: Involves the removal or elimination of the larval developmental sites and reduction of attractive odors.

  3. Mechanical Control: Involves exclusion by the use of screening, caulking, tight-fitting windows and doors, etc., as well as the use of air curtains, insect electrocutors (light traps), sticky-surfaced traps, etc.

  4. Insecticide Application: Involves using appropriately labeled insecticides, baits and traps on the interior of the structure. For persistent infections outdoors, this may involve treatment of larval habitat, adult resting surfaces, or the use of bait materials.

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